10,000+ Study abroad students have trusted us

Ace IELTS with 8 Bands in 30 hours in just ₹499/-

Certified Band 9


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How we are Different

10,000+ Success Stories

Flexible Batches

Success oriented strategies

Progress Tracking and reports

4.8/5 Satisfied Customers

Live Classes

Real Time Mock Tests

Detailed Feedback Session

Voices of Our IELTS Achievers

Driven by Results, proven by Scores

Explore our courses

Intensive Course

₹ 499/- (+18% GST)

Mon-Fri (1 Hour)


  • 30 Hours

  • 10 Mock Test

  • 5 AI CUE Card

  • Access to Learning Management System

  • 20 Practice Test Per Module

Fastrack Course

₹ 799/- (+18% GST)

Mon-Fri (1 Hour)


  • 10 Hours

  • 2 Mock Test

  • 3 AI CUE Card

  • Access to Learning Management System

  • 15 Practice Test Per Module

1:1 Personalized Class

₹ 4999/- (+18% GST)

Mon-Fri (1 Hour)


  • 20 hours

  • 10+ Mocks

  • 5 AI CUE Cards

  • Access to Learning Management System

  • 35+ Practice Test Per Module

  • 100% attention from trainers for faster learning.

  • Exclusive Study Material

  • Customized plans to achieve your desired IELTS score

Know Your Faculties

Ritika Garg

14+ years of Teaching Experience

Anshu Sachan

4+ years of Teaching Experience

Aditi Talapatra

7+ years of Teaching Experience

Nisha Kansara

10+ years of Teaching Experience

Stories Of Our Success

Raj Sharma

Conestoga College, Canada

Data Science

Not all dreams come true, but my father’s surely did! It wasn’t my dream to study abroad. My father always wished that I achieve the best of all. Say it: parental guidance or his passion for seeing me succeed. Today, I am achieving heights in my career.”

Janvi Torawala

University of East Anglia, UK


Dynamic Education Consultants were instrumental in my journey to Harvard. Their expert guidance and personalized approach helped me navigate the complex application process with ease. I couldn’t have achieved my dream without their support. Highly recommended!

Khyati Valera

Solent University, UK

Data Science

It feels surreal to achieve such heights and dreams come true. It definitely is a tough journey. With the cultural change, homesickness, and living away from parents is not easy. Dynamic and their community abroad, made it all these easy for us. When I approached Dynamic back in 2022 with the vision to study at some of the top universities in the UK, I was a little scared and overwhelmed with all the documentations and interview processes but, Dynamic made sure that none of this affect my outcomes, which didn’t!

Raj Sharma

Conestoga College, Canada

Data Science

Not all dreams come true, but my father’s surely did! It wasn’t my dream to study abroad. My father always wished that I achieve the best of all. Say it: parental guidance or his passion for seeing me succeed. Today, I am achieving heights in my career.”

Janvi Torawala

University of East Anglia, UK


Dynamic Education Consultants were instrumental in my journey to Harvard. Their expert guidance and personalized approach helped me navigate the complex application process with ease. I couldn’t have achieved my dream without their support. Highly recommended!

Khyati Valera

Solent University, UK

Data Science

It feels surreal to achieve such heights and dreams come true. It definitely is a tough journey. With the cultural change, homesickness, and living away from parents is not easy. Dynamic and their community abroad, made it all these easy for us. When I approached Dynamic back in 2022 with the vision to study at some of the top universities in the UK, I was a little scared and overwhelmed with all the documentations and interview processes but, Dynamic made sure that none of this affect my outcomes, which didn’t!

Trusted & Reviewed by Students